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Date(s) - 01/27/2026
11:00 am - 11:45 am

Arms Around ASD


Meditation is back on Tuesdays, now with Catherine Faherty! Open Heart Meditation® is a natural practice to cleanse negative emotions from our spiritual heart, relieve anxiety, reduce stress and help us to feel calmer, more peaceful, and joyful in our daily life. This simple and beautiful guided meditation brings significant benefits by opening our spiritual heart. While this form of meditation is spiritual in nature, it is intentionally non-denominational. You can join us in person or online.

Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3293540838?pwd=UjdERlI4RTAvUksweGJwSjhuVXMwUT09

Meeting ID: 329 354 0838
Password: 950378

Catherine Faherty’s adventures in autism began when she taught WNC’s first classroom for autistic students – a joint project of Asheville City and Buncombe County Schools in the 1980’s. She was a TEACCH therapist and teacher trainer until 2013; is currently working with ASNC; and is one of three people in the world authorized by Carol Gray to teach Social Stories. She has written several books for autistic people and their families, friends, teachers, and therapists. Catherine discovered Open Heart Meditation in 2007 and loves sharing this beautiful way to feel more peace, gentleness, and happiness.

Suggested donation $3.