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Date(s) - 03/07/2024
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Arms Around ASD


New and beginning on November 2nd and on every other Thursday from 1-2PM EST, Ranpreet Anthony, SEP, will be volunteering individual Somatic Experiencing® (SE) sessions to the Arms Around ASD community!

Ranpreet Anthony (he/him) is a neurodivergent and neurodivergent-affirming somatic practitioner specializing in Somatic Experiencing®. Somatic Experiencing believes that trauma is not held in the event itself, but it can become held in the nervous system.

Ranpreet works with the autism community to support clients who are constantly feeling anxious and overwhelmed due to sensory overstimulation in a neurotypical world. These hour long individual sessions will consist of teaching you grounding tools and a basic skill set for self-regulation, while helping you to release trauma and activation from the body. Caregivers and family are welcome. Some sessions may include the option for gentle, fully clothed SE touch work for support and integration.

Somatic Experiencing will teach you the ability to recognize dysregulation in your own body and how to use SE grounding tools to support your nervous system and to improve your own mental health.

Suggested donation $7